After the class (Teacher for a day 2)


Today we finally did the class, I personally liked it because of the students. They were very good at english and funny. There were ten minutes left to cover but I’m sure they learned something.


Technically, I’m the one to know less English, because of that, I was very nervous. But then I calmed down.
I liked it a lot and I hope to repeat it sometime.

Traduction to: Català

Després de la classe


Avui finalment hem fet la classe i, personalment, em va agradar per els alumnes. Eren molt bons parlant inglés i a més, eren graciosos. Van quedar deu minuts per omplir però estic segur de que han aprés alguna cosa.


Jo en principi sóc el que sé menys anglès i estava molt nerviós, pero al final m’he deixat anar i m’he tranquilitzat.
M’ha agradat molt i espero tornar-ho a repetir.

Marnik, Quim i Nicolai presentant la classe d'anglès. 
